The elegance and beauty of our home is determined by color, furniture, and other interior decoration accessories such as curtains, wallpaper, paintings, etc. Curtains are an important part of the window, so it must be chosen carefully. The color, fabric, length, width and material are very important.
Everyone wants their home to look attractive and luxurious. Everyone tries their best in home decor and interior. Use various types of things such as wall hangings, wall paintings, wallpapers, and different color combinations to decorate the house. Always try the best for home interiors. The curtain is an important part of our window. They add color and charm to our homes. So we have to choose curtains wisely. Like any interior designer will tell you that curtains make the room look luxurious. Because the curtains make the room only when properly selected according to the place. When it comes to windows, it is a matter of color and fabric, long and thick. With so many ideas that come to mind.
Colors and fabrics, fabrics are an important part of choosing curtains, because the material will determine how the curtains will function and last long. If it is too heavy, they will not fold sharply when pulled. If it’s too light it won’t fall well. Interior designers suggest, holding cloth when buying, even in fabric showrooms. Always fold like an accordion at the top and let it hang, and if it lights up like a piece of crinoline, then it won’t fall well in the window. Remember one thing with a large sample, at least 2 yards. Because smaller pieces may not show the actual curtain fabric. Also remember that sunlight will fade the fabric over time, if the room gets a lot of light, it is smart to avoid bright colors because they tend to fade faster. Still if you change rooms often, so there’s no need to worry about fading. When it comes to materials, silk, linen, imitation silk and velvet are the best choices to use for windows because they tend to hang the best. Some fabrics can help you prevent cold. Many hotels use velvet, suede, tapestry or tweed because the weight helps block light and stays warm.
Length and Layers, always decide how high in your window, before removing the measuring tape. Remember that a hanging panel that is taller than a window will give an impression of height in the room. Designers hang curtains about six inches above the window frame, but only for dramatic appearance. Measure from the top of the window and add inches in height where the curtains will hang from the floor. You can be a little shorter on the floor and add two or three inches in length, if you want to add a more traditional look. And make the panel fall flat on the floor for a fresh and modern look. Be sure to add four to eight inches on both sides and double the total to ensure full blinds when you measure the width of the window. The benefit of this is that you will not block a lot of window glass when the curtain opens. If you want to use a curtain to block out the sun, a few extra inches around the window frame will definitely help block the annoying light.
Special windows, special windows offer several benefits, such as being able to adjust dimensions to the size of the window and create a new look like the right setting. Special panels come in a variety, endless design options from the material to the canopy style. With this option, curtain panels are present in a large enough price option. If the special curtain does not fit the budget, then please spend more money on quality retail window maintenance.
Friendly washing machine vs Dry clean just, specify that will buy only dry cleaners or friendly washing machine curtains. This will save a lot of time and money in searching. Always remember that this can damage high-quality curtains by trying to wash them as you see fit.